Because 1.7 billion people are unreached, with no opportunity to learn about Jesus. Someone needs to go to them. ACTS 13 / WEC is going.
We invite you to join us.

Over the past 50 or so years, there has been a dramatic change in Evangelical Church growth moving from the North to the South; as a mission, we have seen a parallel change in where our new mission recruits are coming from. Asia and Latin America are now taking the lead in mobilizing for missions. As a mission, we need to be ready as we are about to see a new major partner joining our family in the coming years.
WEC has a long history in the continent of Africa. However, In 2012, during the WEC Africa Regional Conference (ARC) held in Ghana, the leaders were challenged by the daunting task still before them and the lack of new workers joining their teams and branches. At the same time, there were reports of how the Lord is growing His Church and of the many African Mission initiatives having an impact on the region and beyond. Like never before there seemed to be the potential and opportunity to mobilize, train and send a multitude of African workers to the harvest field.
Following several other presentations by invited speakers, times of prayer and reports, leaders present at the ARC affirmed their commitment to the three objectives of WEC: Evangelism, Church Planting and Mobilization, but expressed that they were convinced that the Lord would fulfil these objectives only as we work together with African Churches and organizations.
During that AfriCon meeting WEC joined an international partnership with CAPRO (Calvary Ministries) and decided to initiate regional sending base ministries to open up the way for more African workers to join WEC teams and branches. In 2016 during AfriCon ACTS13 received the final approval from the WEC area counsel and blessing from the International office making it an official WEC membership department.
To serve and partner with like-minded churches in all African Sub-Saharan countries
ACTS 13 will prioritize recruitment and training of workers for the least-reached people groups in the region.
“If Jesus Christ be God and died for me, then no sacrifice can be too great for me to make for Him.”
WEC International has always been a pioneer mission – sharing Jesus across cultural barriers where he’s least known.
WEC International takes the good news to the peoples and nations who have yet to hear it: the good news that Christ came to bring forgiveness of sins and peace with God, and to displace hatred with love.
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