Am I ready to be a ACTS13 / WEC missionary?
You will be willing to serve with ACTS 13 / WEC for two years or more:
- You show clear evidence of being born again by the Holy Spirit.
- You demonstrate a sincere commitment to serve the Lord.
- You’ve been actively participating in the life of your sending church and its leaders confirm your intention to seek cross-cultural ministry.
- You agree with our statement of faith, ethos and core values.
- You demonstrate a comprehensive knowledge of the Bible and apply it in your life.
- You’ve satisfactorily completed a recognized course of Bible training, or can demonstrate you’ve obtained the equivalent through life experience or informal training. If not, you’ll be required to do so within your first five years on the field.
- You’ve achieved a good standard of proficiency in your profession.
- You actively share your faith with others.
- You’re emotionally stable, and physically and mentally suited for the ministry you’re applying for.
- Note: If you are married, your spouse also meets these requirements and intends to become a member of WEC.

Contact Us
Please message us using the form below with any questions or if you simply would like to be in touch.