“We have a great avenue for missions’ prayer in Ghana. Now we need to look at an avenue for being involved, for giving and for reaching the unreached.”
Bright (ACTS13 Associate)
‘Mobilisation is the process of envisioning and educating God’s people about his strategic plans for the world.’*
The “Call to mobilise” is more than just recruiting someone for a very notable task. Mobilisers help shift worldview by casting vision for world missions. This shifting process helps people to become more aware of what God is doing in the world, giving them a sense of connection to a greater cause. This shift in thinking increases their desire to find the specific place and role in missions.
A mission mobiliser’s work is successful when one by one another person catches the vision. One person shares with another person and it expands into the church, community and beyond.
ACTS13 Ghana has been blessed with some new passionate mobilisers, who carry an enthusiasm for missions and an understanding that each one of them has been challenged to change the way they think and talk about God’s mission. Their focus is to find ways to explain God’s mission in a relevant and understandable way to their families, friends, colleagues, and church family members. These mobilisers all agree that everyone has a part to play in God’s mission, both locally and globally, whether it be through praying, giving, sending, welcoming, or going.
‘A Mobiliser therefore is someone who seeks to raise awareness that everyone has an incredible privilege to be part of seeing God’s kingdom extend to the ends of the earth.’
(Teacher, Ghana)
Samuel is a young man filled with passion and enthusiasm to do what it takes to see God’s name honoured.
His favourite Bible verse is found in John 3:16 – For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.
Samuel says, “Missions is important because it helps create an avenue for sending the Gospel to the nations.”
He also believes that mission mobilisers are vital because the role of a mobiliser is to encourage all believers to have an awareness of missions.

(Student Actuary, Ghana)
Clinton carries a deep passion in his heart for prayer and for God’s word.
His favourite Bible verse is in Hebrews 12:2 – Looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.
Clinton claims that Jesus lived a life to reach the unreached, and thus this is the core aim of every believer.
In Clinton’s opinion, the role of the mission mobilisers cannot be overemphasized, because they are needed to help create the awareness of the need to evangelise. Through this, people are encouraged to reach the unreached.
(Student, Ghana)
Evelyn loves learning and is passionate about seeing more people find their place in missions.
Her favourite Bible verse is the John 14:14 – You may ask me for anything in my name, and I will do it.
Evelyn reminds us the Great Commission found in Matthew 28:18-20 is our charge, our call, and our task.
Evelyn states that mobilisers help find mission minded individuals, teach and train them, and then see them involved.

(Pastor & WEC Associate, Ghana).
Bright, a born leader and a man of prayer, is set on seeing thousands, if not millions, of people hearing the message of Jesus.
His favourite Bible verse is found in Psalm 2:8 – Ask me, and I will make the nations your inheritance, the ends of the earth your possession.
Bright believes that “Reaching the unreached” is critical, as without the work being done countless millions will spend eternity without God.
Bright is convinced that the work of mobilisers is needed because without them doing their job to help raise up a new generation of workers, those currently involved in missions will not be enough to fulfil the task.
(Student with a fire for Missions, Ghana)
Alfred is young man filled with fire and enthusiasm for the work of God. His heart is always dreaming up something new!
His favourite verse is John 3:16 – For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.
For Alfred missions is important because so many still need to come to the saving knowledge of Christ Jesus and the wondrous love of God.
Therefore, the role of a mobiliser for Alfred is clear: “Helping to gather more labourers – whether field workers or supporters – and creating an awareness which helps push the Gospel of Christ Jesus to the ends of the world.”

(Administrative Assistant, Ghana)
Evelyn is a young lady determined to make a difference in this world. Her passion is to see true worshippers worshipping God.
Her favourite verse is in John 4:23 – Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in the Spirit and in truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks.
“Missions is the heart of God, and the main means by which people come to the knowledge of Christ”, says Evelyn. She believes that this is possible when mobilisers help create an awareness and educate individuals and the church on the importance of missions.
(Teacher, Ghana)
Linda loves to express her love for God through singing and she fully believes that now is the time for harvest.
Her favourite verse is the Psalm 46:10 – Be still and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.
Linda believes that it is God’s greatest vision that no soul perishes and that all be saved or won unto himself. Because of this great vision, Linda states that: “Mobilisers are needed to execute this greatest task called, missions.”

(Student, Ghana)
Samuel is a hardworking student with a determination to see the Gospel preached in Ghana and beyond.
His favourite verse is Psalm 91:1-5 – Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the Lord, “He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust.”
Samuel believes that he tasks of missions is critical, because a lot of unsaved people need to experience the love of Christ, receive forgiveness of sins, and come to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ.
Therefore, he sees that mission mobilisers are needed to organise, orient, and empower mission minded people about the urgency of the task.
Please, take a moment to pray for members of our ACTS13 Ghana mobilisers team:
Pray that they will be effective in their work.
Pray that they will see testimony of people responding to the call.
Pray that they would be filled with wisdom and creativity.

Here are some important things for our mission mobilisers to remember in order to be fruitful in their ministry:
Prayer: It says in Luke 10:2 that “The Harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Therefore, pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers in this harvest”. Mobilisers are not the ones calling or sending out people, that is the role of the Holy Spirit. Mobilisers pray and the Lord brings revelation.
Worldview: For a shift of worldview that needs to happen within people, there needs to be an understanding of God’s heart for the nations. God loves all nations with a passion and because of his heart for nations, humanity must carry the same heart. It is simply not enough to know God’s heart; it needs to translate into a replicating model of disciples that make disciples. Jesus’ plan was to reach the whole world, yet he focused on a few to reach the many.
Example: Mobilisers cannot just teach principles. They must seek to be an example that others can see of missions being a liveable reality, not just fairy tale. Mobilisers are an example to show others how things can work.
Stories: Mobilisers are story tellers, being able to tell the stories of what God is doing among the nations. These stories catch the hearts of people, bringing fresh revelation and action.
*This quote and other concepts in this article have come from GlobalCAST Resources: https://globalcastresources.com. GlobalCAST Resources is focused on connecting, equipping, and encouraging missions’ advocates, leaders, trainers, and mobilizers who are working to see the whole Church bring the whole Gospel to the whole world.
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