There is Hope for Zimbabwe!
When someone mentions Zimbabwe, whatever the current headline may be, you will find a brief historical summary on how things ‘used to be’ or what the nation ‘used to be like’ – the Bread Basket of Africa! Then came the downward spiraling of economy, currency, infrastructure, tyranny, debt, drought and poverty. The story is so sad, people in Zimbabwe have suffered greatly.
The courage of the human spirit keeps going with HOPE – believing for “What WILL be”! Hope keeps opening a door that the brave keep walking through: the dream of Zimbabwe! Mining, agriculture and tourism are key industries that may just launch Zimbabwe into its new identity. This is hope!
Throughout the yesterdays, today’s and tomorrows, our Lord Jesus is the Great I AM -the God who is in the very present, here and now. ACTS13 Zimbabwe has not begun a new thing in mobilizing the Church for missions because in the past times of ‘used to be’, our very own Operation World publication was birthed in Kenya, South Africa and Zimbabwe as Patrick Johnstone (1970’s) developed a resource for people of prayer! Isn’t that an amazing historical nugget? Now as we aim for “what WILL BE” we stand upon ancient foundation stones of prayer for the world and reaching the nations with the Gospel.

Our growing team of nationals is made of some special people who are not new to missions, even if they are new to our ACTS13 team. Tineyi (who went to Zambia with ACTS13 last year) and his wife Brenda have joined the team with a special commitment to missions. While gaining the experience of working in Mozambique with local pastors to do church planting, Tineyi caught a love for reaching out to people. When Tineyi shares about ACTS13 and the Biblical motivation for reaching the lost and sending out workers, the message comes from deep within him. With this passion he has caught the ear of audiences because they connect with him as a hardworking man-on-the-ground who is just like them. Tiney has a fresh view of serving Christ as a businessman earning for his family, and yet he knows the calling and provision of God to serve Him wherever He calls, in preaching, teaching and praying.

Pastor Tadeyo and his wife Alice are also heartily on board for the challenges of rallying the church towards missions. They have spent their lives in pastoring and working in agriculture and church planting, previously hand in hand with the founder of Farming God’s Way/Foundations for Farming, that was developed in Zimbabwe. Pastor Tadeyo suffers with some health challenges but he always desires, in body, spirit and faith, to step out and minister ‘out there’ where others fear to tread. Pastor Tadeyo is a friend and great support with his godly wisdom, and he is always ready to go for any opportunity to minister cross culturally with the Gospel.

A serious relationship with the Lord Jesus will always take you into uncharted territory. Intimacy grows with Christ as we talk with the Lord and read the Word of God daily, getting into it intimately. That is why WEC desires our workers to have at least 2 years of Biblical Studies before going into long term mission service. The written WORD is your greatest resource and weapon—if you know how to use it. The Call of God can come early in your life, but God takes us through a journey to ‘get there’, and the journey is always part of God accomplishing ‘the call’ in your life. We believe that God desires His children to arise and follow Him, just like the early Disciples, and that those who take up the call to “Come, Follow Me” will be most satisfied when they take the risks of FAITH, FELLOWSHIP, HOLINESS and SACRIFICE.
Tineyi and Pastor Tadeyo are just two testimonies of Christian brothers (out of Zimbabwe!) who are daily saying yes to the Lord, and step by step they are seeking His will for their lives. There are plenty of ‘used to be’ moments in our walk with the Lord, and always the HOPE of what ‘WILL BE’, but for our daily lives in missions, ministry, and the struggles of life, our Lord Jesus will always be the ever-present, great I AM.
This article was written by:
Amanda Moyo
Missionary in Zimbabwe.