Mobilising for Missions is raising awareness among God’s people of the need to complete the Great Commission and equipping new workers whom God is calling to go to the unreached. This is done by recruiting, training, sending and caring for workers in fellowship with the wider Church.
Many of those with least access to the gospel are the world’s poorest, most resistant or forgotten peoples. Sadly only a tiny percentage of the church’s resources and personnel focus on these peoples. Consequently many of our teams are crying out for extra support and fresh recruits. WEC seeks to mobilise people, churches and resources from every culture we are working in, to serve the least and the last, first! We believe that the Great Commission means that the Whole Church is called to reach the Whole World!
ACTS13 is a mobilising ministry of WEC International for partnering with the Church in Africa in sending cross-cultural workers to make disciples of Christ amongst the unreached in the region and beyond.

“If Jesus Christ be God and died for me, then no sacrifice can be too great for me to make for Him.”
WEC International has always been a pioneer mission – sharing Jesus across cultural barriers where he’s least known.
WEC International takes the good news to the peoples and nations who have yet to hear it: the good news that Christ came to bring forgiveness of sins and peace with God, and to displace hatred with love.
Contact Us
Please message us if you have any questions or simply would like to be in touch with a member of the team.